
Showing posts from July, 2020

Collaboration of Microsoft and Google

Google and Microsoft are one of the topmost organizations ever in this world. Both are multinational organizations. Their products are used worldwide and daily also. It is one of the biggest collaboration ever! Microsoft: Microsoft was generated by Bill Gates and Paul Allen at the date of April 4, 1975. It was developed to support Basic interpreters to Altair 8800 which was the first residential use-able as well as a personally use-able microcomputer. Its best-known software products are the Microsoft Windows, line of operating systems, the Microsoft OfficeSuite, etc.  Google: Two Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin invented Google LLC in September 1998. It provides internet-related services and products like online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, etc. Google search engine is mostly used. Usual Steps for Introducing an App on Google Play Store: Most of the popular app and services are based on the web and do their be...