A lie told enough to become truth
For a belief to exist, you need believers. And for that, most of the time, media and politician use the trick A lie told enough to become truth to defend themselves. First of all, there are no moral in politics (Lenin). To convert a fake news into reality, a person lies million times to make it feel like it’s reality. This is also known as Illusion of truth effect. Now, the question arises. Does truth exist? Yes, it’s. For example, many years ago people genuinely ‘knew’ that the earth was flat. It was later proven by scientists to be a globe. Moreover, Dr. James Studd, a lecturer in the Philosophy of Mathematics (University of Oxford) says, “The earth was always round. That was always true. What’s changed is the belief and the knowledge about the Earth. The Earth didn’t change - we did!” So, changing thoughts of people is the utensil to make things true. Hence, by creating illusion and delusion, a lie can be existed in a form of truth. In terms of media, it is Propaganda. ...